Missing some credits? Are you in a hurry to graduate? Interested in courses that are currently not available in your own university of applied science? CampusOnline.fi offers you the selection of online courses by more than twenty Finnish universities of applied sciences.
The course selection for summer 2023 is now released. The enrolment period opens on 13 March at 8am.
With CampusOnline, you can select courses from another university of applied sciences free of charge and include these studies in your degree. CampusOnline.fi makes it possible for you to study courses 100% online: simply enrol on courses provided by different universities of applied sciences and complete courses conveniently regardless of time and place – wherever best suits you.
The courses are free of charge for degree students (Bachelor’s degree/Master’s degree) and exchange students at universities of applied sciences and for path students at Open UAS. Other Open UAS students pay a fee determined by the university of applied science that offers the course in question.
Read more at campusonline.fi