The Student Union Representative Council gathered for its first meeting of the year remotely on Thursday, January 29th. Decisions of the meeting:
- Henna Tammisto (alternate member Nadja Grönfors) was elected as a member of the Student Selection Committee
- Nadja Grönfors (alternate member Enni Korpunen) was elected as a member of the Board of Examiners
- The council decided to organize the Rauma vs. Pori event as a remote event in March 2021. The preliminary date of the event is March 11, 2021.
- Representatives of the council’s electoral lists were appointed:
- PIOlista: Mauri Lehtikangas
- Pystin Lista: Rasmus Hurmerinta
- Rakkaudesta Restonomiin: Janika Lammila
- Tradet: Kristiina Erinko
- RaunIO: Sampsa Saahkari
- The composition of the Representative Council was revised when members Samppa Häyrinen and Kalle Wallin and deputy member Jesse Romo were resigned. As a result Vilhelmiina Riuttala and Enni Korpunen became members of the Representative Council.