Club activities

Club activities

Are you interested in networking with other like-minded students? For example, are you good with crochets or are you a real Trivial Pursuit genius? Would you like to start your own club? If you answered yes to any of these, contact Elsa Helasmo, the board’s club manager, or come by the office, and we’ll set the club plans on fire together! 🔥 Sammakko supports the clubs financially, so for example, the club leader does not need to buy crochet hooks for the participants from their own pocket!

Contact person for the clubs:
Elsa Helasmo

1. Thesis club

The first club, which has been running for a year now, is the Thesis club. The club is run by Elsa Helasmo and Helena Matinheimo from Sammakko’s board, in the SAMK Pori campus library, room B111 or B112 once a month.

You can come along at any stage of your own thesis, whether it’s just a beautiful thought in your head or just the last finishing touches and ready to be sent to Theseus! The idea of ​​the thesis club is to exchange ideas and have fun with other students working on the same path, and maybe get motivated to work on your own creation.

Thesis clubs of fall 2024:
Tuesday 15.10. at 16.15-18.15
Tuesday 12.11. at 16.15-18.15
Tuesday 3.12. at 16.15-18.15

2. Painting club

SAMMAKKO’s second club is finally starting and it’s painting club! 😍

The painting club will meet in Pori campus room A248 during the spring seven times, about every two weeks, exact dates can be found in the picture. All the necessary materials have been provided by SAMMAKKO, so all you have to do is show up 🖌🎨 The club will be run by two of our lovely social service students, who welcome anyone interested to join them!

Painting clubs of spring 2024:
Mon 26.2. at 16-17
Mon 11.3. at 16-17
Mon 25.3. at 16-17
Mon 8.4. at 16-17
Mon 22.4. at 16-17
Mon 6.5. at 16-17
Mon 20.5. at 16-17