Tutor search is open!
The student union SAMMAKKO is responsible for tutoring at Satakunta University of Applied Sciences. Student tutors act as peer tutors for students at the beginning and during their studies. SAMMAKKO recruits and trains all SAMK tutors with partners. Depending on the activity, tutoring gives 1 to 5 credits. Acting as a tutor provides valuable experiences of peer mentoring of the group and people, as well as the opportunity to participate in various events. Tutors can be asked anything about their studies and student life. Tutors are experts in student life! Tutors give a lot, but you also get a lot from tutoring!
Ordinary students are sought as tutors. You don’t need a supersocial multi-expert. It is enough that you are. Tutors are there for walkers, guides and helpers, whether it’s visiting campus buildings, learning electronic systems or even the first student party!
Tutor search is now open HERE!
Read more about tutoring HERE.