Welcome to the campuses, new and continuing students

Aug 24, 2022 | Bulletin, News, Services

Welcome to your studies, both new and continuing students!

The school year for new students starts in week 35 with orientation days. There will be information about the new school, field of study and services. Continuing students will return to their studies again in September. SAMMAKKO student union will present itself to new students on Friday, September 2. With SAMMAKKO, are performing e.g. CampusMoWe and educational institution employees. On the same day, on the Pori campus, it is also possible to buy student overalls from student associations, or more familiarly, P4 associations.

After the orientation program and sales of the student overalls, the new students head together to Kirjurinluoto in Pori for the Kirjuri Day organized by the tutors. In Rauma, the tutors organize the Lost in Rauma event. You can get more information about the event from your own tutors!

SAMMAKKO’s offices in Pori and Rauma will open again on Tuesday, August 30. Opening hours are Tue – Thu at 10-15.