About 35,000 students receiving financial aid had income in excess of the annual income limit in 2022. They have received a preliminary decision on the recovery of the overpaid financial aid. The...
Reminder for students in higher education to check that they meet the minimum credit requirements for financial aid
Kela monitors the academic progress of students in higher education on a yearly basis. Students who have not made enough progress with their studies will receive a request for further information....
Finnish Student Health Service FSHS – supporting your well-being
FSHS bulletin: Congratulations on your study place! We at the FSHS are here to support your health and well-being throughout your studies. We provide general, mental and oral health services and...
Kela has sent out some 47,000 preliminary decisions for the recovery of overpaid student financial aid
About 47,000 students receiving financial aid had income in excess of the annual income limit in 2021. They have received a preliminary decision on the recovery of the overpaid financial aid. The...
Report to Kela on the progress of studies
15,600 higher education students have received a request for information about academic progress Students in higher education who do not meet the minimum credit requirement for financial aid have...